
Dedication of the Ruth Felton Room

United Christian Church

Lincolnville, Maine

Pentecost Sunday ~ June 9, 2019


Words of Introduction


*Prayer of Thanksgiving & Dedication  

One: We come together to dedicate the new church office as the Ruth Felton Room. From basement to office, we celebrate transformation. We give thanks to the Felton family and we honor Ruth’s memory.

All: We remember a dearly loved member of this church and town. Her name graces this room and we give thanks! 

One: We give thanks for all the time, talent, and treasure it took to create the new office. 

All: We couldn’t do it without one another. For laboring hands and generous gifts, we give thanks!

One: We give thanks for all that makes an office functional and beautiful - drywall and paint, shelves and cabinets, wifi and phone, furniture and decoration, books and supplies, files and storage, heat and light. 

All: We give thanks for all this space makes possible for our pastor, lay leaders, and congregation - meetings and conversation, work and prayer, counting of offerings and safekeeping of church history, writing and reading, communication and connection, planning and dreaming. 

One: On Pentecost, we affirm what is possible when Spirit moves through a people and a place. Let us pray.

All: God, we dedicate this work of human hand to your glory. May the new office support the ministry of this church and affirm its purpose to foster love of God and love of neighbor. May the teachings of peace inspire the work done within and beyond its walls. May Spirit bless this place now and in the future. Amen! 




An Invitation 

We invite all members and guests to visit the new space downstairs after worship. You can enter via the stairs in Parish Hall, then exit through the office door and proceed to the Community Building for the Reception. You are invited to write a word of hope, blessing, or vision for the church with the paper slips provided and to place them in the prayer jar to be kept in the office. If you are unable to access the room by the stairs or outdoor path, please feel welcome to give your slip of paper to a neighbor in the pews who can place it in the prayer jar. Please extend a warm welcome to members of the Felton family at the Reception in the Community Building. 


Thank you

We express gratitude to the following people who made this new room possible:


The Family of Ruth Felton

The Trustees of the United Christian Church for all their hard work and volunteer time: Jack Silverio, Ross Fanuef, Phil Hoekstra, Niel Wienges

Ivan Stancioff, contractor

Becky Thompson for donation of the rug

Barbara Bentley for making curtains for the windows

Glenmoor by the Sea for the sofa and chair

Tracy Hayslip for making the new signs

Members and friends who donated office supplies

Lola Shaw for all she does to care for the church building

The Hospitality Committee and members who contributed to today's reception

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