DonationsOne of seventeen original windows restored through a generous grant
Tax-Exempt Status
United Christian Church is a member of the Maine Conference of the United Church of Christ, and is exempt from federal and state income tax as a not-for-profit religious organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code pursuant to a group tax exemption ruling issued by the Internal Revenue Service.
Unspecified donations will support the activities and work of the church, keep the old buildings insured and in good repair, support the staff, and provide heat in the winter. Donations can be made specifically to one of our ministries or for another purpose, such as upkeep of the 1821 church building, Lincolnville's original meeting house. Any donation may be in honor or in memory of a loved one. Please provide clear instructions if you have a specific purpose for your donation, and also put a note in the notes field of your check.
Contribution of Cash or Checks
Contributions of cash or checks are deductible as charitable contributions under the current provisions of the Internal Revenue Code. The Church will provide statements of actual contributions for the year for use by individuals in documenting charitable contributions on their individual income tax returns. Cash gifts are included in statements to the extent the Church is able to identify the donor. Deduction is usually limited to the year of the actual gift. Please provide clear instructions if you have a purpose for the donation, and also put a note in the notes field of your check.
Where to send donations
All donations should be addressed to the Church in care of the Treasurer.
Send donations to:
United Christian Church, c/o Treasurer
P.O. Box 288
Lincolnville Center, Maine 04850