Our Church Leadership
Our Church thrives because of the energy and dedication of the people who are a part of our leadership. Here are a few of the people that make our church community special. Contact information for the church appears in the blue section at the bottom of this page.
In August 2018 we welcomed our current settled pastor & teacher, Rev. Elizabeth Barnum.
Our previous pastor, the Rev. Susan Stonestreet, retired as of June 2017 after eighteen years of service. The Rev. Richard Hanks served as the interim pastor from 2017-2018.

Music Director: Mary Schulien
For over three decades, Mary has watched the congregation grow and change. She works closely with Pastor Elizabeth and guest preachers to plan the integration of the music with the spiritual message for every service. Mary plays the flute and accompanies worship services, with the help of other musicians, primarily Peter Saladino and Jane Schroeder, on the keyboard and the organ, respectively. She directs the Wing and a Prayer choir, which sings every third Sunday and at special events (but has not sung regularly during the pandemic). She also arranges for the concerts and special services open to the community that we hold throughout the year and has mentored many young musicians and student organists. See more about the music programs on Our Music. Mary's energy and enthusiasm for the church in all its endeavours continue to be a great benefit and source of inspiration.
Board of Directors
The Church Board is the policy-making body of the Church. The Board is charged with transacting the business of the church, administering the permanent funds of the corporation, overseeing the audit and management of financial accounts, and the custodianship of all church records. The Board is composed of the Chair , the Vice-Chair, the Chair of the Deacons, the Chair of the Trustees, the Chair of the Finance Committee, the Treasurer, the Secretary, and a Representative-at-Large from the congregation. The Board holds a minimum of eight business meetings a year, which church members are encouraged to attend and at which they may vote. The most important of these is the annual business and budget meeting in early November, which requires a quorum of the congregation for budget approval.
Chair: Robin Brawn
Secretary: Emily Eglund
Treasurer: Tracee O'Brien
Chair of the Finance Commitee:
Chair of the Deacons/Deaconesses: Warren Erickson
Chair of the Trustees: Jack Silverio
Deacons: Jed Beach, June Haining, Tracy Hayslip, Lois Lyman, Pat Shannon
Children's Church: Susan Silverio, Cheryl Wienges, Pat Shannon
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